
Axis Specification in Zebrafish Is Robust to Cell Mixing and Reveals a Regulation of Pattern Formation by Morphogenesis

Released 2020-06-05
Timothy Fulton, Benjamin Steventon


  • 16 images
A fundamental question in developmental biology is how the early embryo establishes the spatial coordinate system that is later important for the organization of the embryonic body plan. Although we know a lot about the signaling and gene-regulatory networks required for this process, much less is understood about how these can operate to pattern tissues in the context of the extensive cell movements that drive gastrulation. In zebrafish, germ layer specification depends on the inheritance of maternal mRNAs, cortical rotation to generate a dorsal pole of ?-catenin activity, and the release of Nodal signals from the yolk syncytial layer (YSL). To determine whether germ layer specification is robust to altered cell-to-cell positioning, we separated embryonic cells from the yolk and allowed them to develop as spherical aggregates. These aggregates break symmetry autonomously to form elongated structures with an anterior-posterior pattern. Both forced reaggregation and endogenous cell mixing reveals how robust early axis specification is to spatial disruption of maternal pre-patterning. During these movements, a pole of Nodal signaling emerges that is required for explant elongation via the planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway. Blocking of PCP-dependent elongation disrupts the shaping of opposing poles of BMP and Wnt/TCF activity and the anterior-posterior patterning of neural tissue. These results lead us to suggest that embryo elongation plays a causal role in timing the exposure of cells to changes in BMP and Wnt signal activity during zebrafish gastrulation.

Study information

Danio rerio (Zebrafish)
Imaging type
confocal fluorescence microscopy

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IM1 Figshare Upload/2018-09-28 Krox20 Cdx4_2.tif (1, 3, 86, 512, 1024) Unavailable
IM2 Figshare Upload/2019-07-10 Pescoids BMP4 647 DKK1b 546 Chordin 488_6hpc_2019_07_10__12_39_25.lsm (1, 4, 94, 512, 512) Unavailable
IM3 Figshare Upload/2019-07-26 pH3 647 Eomes 488 Ntl 546 Timecourse_1hpc_p5.lsm (1, 4, 86, 512, 512) Unavailable
IM4 Figshare Upload/2019-07-26 pH3 647 Eomes 488 Ntl 546 Timecourse_2hpc_p1.lsm (1, 4, 103, 512, 512) Unavailable
IM5 Figshare Upload/2019-07-26 pH3 647 Eomes 488 Ntl 546 Timecourse_4hpc_p2.lsm (1, 4, 89, 512, 512) Unavailable
IM6 Figshare Upload/2019-07-26 pH3 647 Eomes 488 Ntl 546 Timecourse_7hpc_p3.lsm (1, 4, 100, 512, 512) Unavailable
IM7 Figshare Upload/2020-01-09 Nanos 647 Sox32 546 Vasa 488_7hpc_2020_01_09__21_42_30__p2.lsm (1, 4, 77, 512, 512) Unavailable
IM8 Figshare Upload/2020-01-09 Tbxta 647 Sox2 546 Sox17 488_7hpc_2020_01_09__11_29_14__p1.lsm (1, 4, 62, 512, 512) Unavailable
IM9 Figshare Upload/2020-01-10 Wnt11 546 Frd 647_7hpc_2020_01_10__15_09_58__p1.lsm (1, 3, 73, 512, 512) Unavailable
IM10 Figshare Upload/2020-01-16 BMP2b (488) BMP4 (647) BMP7 (546)Timecourse_2hpc_2020_01_17__08_53_05__p8.lsm (1, 4, 52, 512, 512) Unavailable
IM11 Figshare Upload/2020-01-16 BMP2b (488) BMP4 (647) BMP7 (546)Timecourse_5hpc_2020_01_16__16_54_24__p2.lsm (1, 276, 1, 512, 512) Unavailable
IM12 Figshare Upload/2020-01-16 BMP2b (488) BMP4 (647) BMP7 (546)Timecourse_7hpc_2020_01_16__14_12_19__p2.lsm (1, 4, 56, 512, 512) Unavailable
IM13 Figshare Upload/2020-02-26 TCFGFP Timecourse HCR_2hpc_p12.lsm (1, 3, 80, 512, 512) Unavailable
IM14 Figshare Upload/2020-02-26 TCFGFP Timecourse HCR_5hpc_p22.lsm (1, 3, 80, 512, 512) Unavailable
IM15 Figshare Upload/Pescoid_8hpc_Keratin647_2.lsm (1, 176, 1, 1024, 512) Unavailable
IM16 Figshare Upload/TCF647_7hpc.tif (1, 2, 89, 512, 512) Unavailable

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Image ID Filename Download Size Actions
IM1 Figshare Upload/2018-09-28 Krox20 Cdx4_2.tif Unavailable Download
IM2 Figshare Upload/2019-07-10 Pescoids BMP4 647 DKK1b 546 Chordin 488_6hpc_2019_07_10__12_39_25.lsm Unavailable Download
IM3 Figshare Upload/2019-07-26 pH3 647 Eomes 488 Ntl 546 Timecourse_1hpc_p5.lsm Unavailable Download
IM4 Figshare Upload/2019-07-26 pH3 647 Eomes 488 Ntl 546 Timecourse_2hpc_p1.lsm Unavailable Download
IM5 Figshare Upload/2019-07-26 pH3 647 Eomes 488 Ntl 546 Timecourse_4hpc_p2.lsm Unavailable Download
IM6 Figshare Upload/2019-07-26 pH3 647 Eomes 488 Ntl 546 Timecourse_7hpc_p3.lsm Unavailable Download
IM7 Figshare Upload/2020-01-09 Nanos 647 Sox32 546 Vasa 488_7hpc_2020_01_09__21_42_30__p2.lsm Unavailable Download
IM8 Figshare Upload/2020-01-09 Tbxta 647 Sox2 546 Sox17 488_7hpc_2020_01_09__11_29_14__p1.lsm Unavailable Download
IM9 Figshare Upload/2020-01-10 Wnt11 546 Frd 647_7hpc_2020_01_10__15_09_58__p1.lsm Unavailable Download
IM10 Figshare Upload/2020-01-16 BMP2b (488) BMP4 (647) BMP7 (546)Timecourse_2hpc_2020_01_17__08_53_05__p8.lsm Unavailable Download
IM11 Figshare Upload/2020-01-16 BMP2b (488) BMP4 (647) BMP7 (546)Timecourse_5hpc_2020_01_16__16_54_24__p2.lsm Unavailable Download
IM12 Figshare Upload/2020-01-16 BMP2b (488) BMP4 (647) BMP7 (546)Timecourse_7hpc_2020_01_16__14_12_19__p2.lsm Unavailable Download
IM13 Figshare Upload/2020-02-26 TCFGFP Timecourse HCR_2hpc_p12.lsm Unavailable Download
IM14 Figshare Upload/2020-02-26 TCFGFP Timecourse HCR_5hpc_p22.lsm Unavailable Download
IM15 Figshare Upload/Pescoid_8hpc_Keratin647_2.lsm Unavailable Download
IM16 Figshare Upload/TCF647_7hpc.tif Unavailable Download