
Subpopulations of sensorless bacteria drive fitness in fluctuating environments (OME-NGFF)

Released 2023-08-18
Image Data Resource (IDR)


  • 342 images
  • Study size: 85.3GiB
  • N files: 342
  • Filetype breakdown:
    • .ome.zarr.zip: 342 (85.3GiB)
OME-NGFF converted study from idr0091. We use quantitative time-lapse microscopy combined with microfluidics to analyse the induction dynamics of the lac operon in single bacteria cells.

Study information

Escherichia coli
Imaging type
wide-field epi-fluorescence microscopy

Viewable images Images that have been converted to ome-ngff for in-browser viewing

All images All images in the study in their original format

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